

Indie Boulevard Music Awards

Feeling Alone? Explore the Soulful Sounds of Blair Borax, Moon Maison, and Marc Burford

How great it is that every week we have new musical masterpieces that make us experience, reflect, and simply enjoy the sounds! Let’s talk about a few tracks that have captivated our editorial team this week.

Let’s start with the new single from Moon Maison titled “Listen.” As Moon herself calls it, this song is medicine. Moon Maison urges us to listen to ourselves more often, to dispel doubts, and find inner peace. The song is filled with extraordinary beauty and positive energy, helping us gain confidence in our abilities.

“Leopards” by Marc Burford is such a sweet and tender acoustic ballad that, honestly, it blew me away! It’s an intimate, sensual song that envelops us with its tenderness. Burford’s heartfelt vocals breathe life into the lyrics, infusing each word with a palpable sense of yearning.

And how can we not mention “Tender Lately” by Blair Borax? This gentle folk-pop song is meant to make us feel less alone in our moments of vulnerability. With tender vocals and a melody that tugs at the heartstrings, Borax explores the sting of being ghosted with honesty and vulnerability. “Tender Lately” is a balm for the wounded spirit, a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles with love and loss.

That wraps up our segment, ‘Weekly Spotlight’. I trust these sensual and stylish tracks have resonated with you, as they have with me. Until next time, farewell, and may you continue to enjoy the finest music!

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