

Indie Boulevard Music Awards

‘Belly’ by Niamh Regan Shines Bright in the Dark Night of Melancholy – Listen Now

As the rain taps softly against my window pane, I drift away into the melancholic embrace of “Belly”, the latest offering from the enchanting Niamh Regan.

As the imminent UK tour approaches, there’s a palpable sense of anticipation in the air, reminiscent of the refreshing scent after a summer rain. The new song undoubtedly promises to be even more captivating when performed live on stage. Its unconventional rhythm and Niamh’s distinctive voice set it apart as one of the most unique tracks around. And that chorus? Well, I believe you simply have to hear it for yourself; it’s an incredible experience! It’s truly a great song, and I highly recommend that everyone listen to it.

Connect with Niamh Regan via Instagram
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