

Indie Boulevard Music Awards

Meimuna’s Cosmic Elixir: Revelations in ‘arracher les ombres’

In the flow of sounds and shadows, where childhood and adolescent wounds weave their mysterious patterns, the single “arracher les ombres” by Meimuna emerges as a beam of light piercing through the veil of doubt and darkness.

Her voice, akin to a magical elixir, delves into the deepest recesses of hearts, reviving those moments we strive to forget.

What captivates me is that with each subsequent listen, I feel more immersed in the psychedelic cosmos created by Meimuna, where sounds transform into colors and emotions into hues. What makes it even more delightful is that “arracher les ombres” is just the beginning. We can only imagine the wonders awaiting us in the forthcoming album, “c’est demain que je meurs.” But for now, let’s revel in this new single from Meimuna.

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