

Indie Boulevard Music Awards

Karen Lee Batten Gets Romantic In Her New Single ‘Somewhere in Between’

Karen Lee Batten’s latest single, “Somewhere in Between,” dives headfirst into life’s rollercoaster ride with an unfiltered, straight-from-the-heart approach.


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In “Somewhere in Between,” Batten lays it all on the line, spinning a tale of love and longing that hits you right in the feels. New single tears at the heartstrings with its romantic, love-laden lyrics, making it one of the most candid tracks in her discography.

For fans of real-deal country tunes, “Somewhere in Between” is the real McCoy. Batten’s authenticity shines through, making this track an instant classic. Love has never sounded sweeter than it does in “Somewhere in Between.”

Connect with Karen Lee Batten via Instagram
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