

Indie Boulevard Music Awards

John Michael Hersey’s New Album “Footprints”: Philosophical Reflections on Life Through Country & Blues

Talent knows no bounds, and John Michael Hersey is a proof of that. Widely recognized not just on the country music scene but also esteemed in theater, film, and management, his extensive knowledge of the arts and innate musical sense make him a significant figure in the contemporary creative community. Also a professor of music, John Michael Hersey is committed to sharing his expertise and helping the next generation understand the art. Each of these accomplishments is reflected in his new album, “Footprints.”

photo by johnmichaelhersey.com

In the new album there’s an undeniable air of seasoned artistry that can only come from years steeped in musical exploration. Hersey, whose inaugural album graced the airwaves in 1999, has long been a fixture in the music scene, and his newest album underscores his commitment to his craft. “Footprints” features a compelling blend of emotions and a distinct rock-country sound that really pulls you into the stories behind each song.

I’d like to highlight the album’s title, “Footprints,” which is quite evocative. This name may symbolize the lasting impacts—those ‘footprints’—that experiences leave on our lives, akin to the enduring influence of music and art. Each track on the album can be viewed as a footprint, marking a significant point in John Michael Hersey’s artistic journey. This title also suggests a sense of legacy, reflecting on the paths we choose and the marks we leave behind, through both challenges and achievements. It’s a thought-provoking title that enhances the narrative depth of the album.

From the very first track, “Everybody Wants It Now,” the album presents a stylish and vibrant blend of blues rock with a slight hint of country folk sound. The energetic beginning, featuring rhythmic keyboards and the light yet passionate vocals of John Michael Hersey, creates a perfect atmosphere for complete immersion in the sound. The quality of the music immediately become integral companions throughout the entire release. I love how the mood shifts in “Luster.” Such tender and soft sounds as in this track highlight John Michael Hersey’s music. Light riffs, beautiful solos, give a sense of pure happiness.

In the album “Footprints,” you won’t find any tracks that sound alike because each song is filled with a unique sound. “Behave” brings a blues rock groove with heavy guitars and a stronger, harsher vocal from John Michael Hersey. On the other hand, “Break the Glass” highlights romance and dreaminess with its soft drumming and catchy vocal lines. This is one of my favorite tracks, as it features stunning vocals that blend with a light atmosphere, offering a true pop ballad with a touch of nostalgia. Towards the end, “Nothing” appears, showcasing impeccable guitar work that takes center stage.

A smooth bass line adds incredible softness, while John Michael Hersey’s sensual vocals become remarkably lyrical. This is the perfect soundtrack for your best evening, one that might stay with you forever. To avoid lingering too long in an atmosphere of romantic melancholy, the tracks “The Time Has Come” and “Without Annette” completely shift the sound towards a carefree and almost theatrical vibe. The waltz rhythm in “Without Annette” is absolutely stunning, showcasing John Michael Hersey as a master of any genre.

There’s a strong sense that cinematic is almost synonymous with the music of John Michael Hersey. His music possesses a soul and a living spark that are hard to find. The final track, “Grow Where You’re Planted,” sounds like a brilliant chord as the curtain falls. John Michael Hersey has done an amazing job creating an atmosphere that feels like an audio film, and “Grow Where You’re Planted” only amplifies this feeling. You can hear his soul in every instrument, and Hersey’s voice takes on soft folk-country nuances. This makes the finale filled with joy and light, a perfect ending that leaves you wanting to listen to the album again and enjoy the journey once more.

“Footprints” is breathlessly thrilling—personal, beautiful, and completely engulfing. I highly recommend everyone listen to John Michael Hersey’s music. With the album “Footprints,” you can feel sadness and joy, dream, and experience touching stories, but in the end, you will always be happy. It’s a good story, like a classic book you want to flip through, discovering new meanings each time.

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