

Indie Boulevard Music Awards

Baseball Bat Breakup! Britta Raci Swings for the Fences with Debut EP ‘striking out’

Girls, who here is going through breakups? We know how it goes: tears, drama, tons of chocolate, and a playlist of sad songs. But life is too short not to take things with a sense of humor! Britta Raci debuts with her first solo EP “striking out,” and she knows exactly how to turn pain into music that lifts your spirits! This record is a real cocktail of pop-rock sound and commercial pop vocals. “striking out” has only 4 tracks, but each one is a little story that touches the heart. It’s like finding that one song that becomes the soundtrack of your emotions.

Remember the times when pink hair and emo were at the height of fashion? Gothic outfits, black nail polish, thick eyeliner, and bright streaks in our hair were all essential parts of our lives. We listened to music that expressed all our complex emotions and felt truly understood. Well, I have great news for you! Those times are back! Bubblegum and bright hair have returned, but now with a fresh sound and a modern twist. And who better to capture this atmosphere than Britta Raci with her first solo EP “striking out”?

In the track “baseball bat,” Britta Raci’s pure and commercial vocals blend with a vibrant pop-rock arrangement. This song encapsulates the power and energy of pop-rock music, evoking nostalgic memories of those good old tracks. It’s a familiar sound reborn with a new, modern twist.

Then in “pete rose,” Britta’s captivating vocals and quite candid lyrics reveal her as a true innovator. Her ability to merge familiar themes with contemporary elements truly sets her apart on the pop-rock scene. The atmosphere in this track constantly shifts: it’s a bright pop drama that evolves into a unique pop-rock sound, which then melts into a juicy and tender pop-acoustic chorus.

You will be absolutely enchanted by the track “benchwarmer,” and also by the music video for this song, which I’ve attached below because, damn, you need to see this. When you first hear this song, it feels like you’ve found the perfect soundtrack for the summer! Light pop vocals, a pinch of guitar riffs that make you a bit dizzy, and a continual shift in style and genre offer an unusual experience.

It seems that electronic and pop rock take center stage in Britta Raci’s EP. It’s as if this decision serves as a unifying link, broadening the influence and thus the overall listening experience. The bright, flawless, and stylish “benchwarmer” is arguably the standout track of this EP.

Bringing the atmosphere to a peak, “third strike” closes the album with a perfect blend of neon synth sounds. I love how Britta Raci’s vocals take on smoky and hazy tones, becoming a guide in the vibrant world of “third strike.” The excellent atmosphere of endless summer, happiness, and acceptance of life fills your mind when listening to the EP. Britta Raci has managed to create a superb EP that showcases her as a talented lyricist, producer, and engineer.

The entire EP, from the first track to the last, is imbued with a lasting sense of style. It’s worth noting that the baseball theme in “striking out” is reflected not only through the bright pink cover featuring a girl with a baseball bat but also through the song titles. As Britta Raci highlights, each track reflects the baseball games she played with her ex-boyfriend who cheated on her. This adds a new layer of meaning, which the singer gracefully navigates, ultimately emerging as the winner in this game. Her inner voice speaks to the listener through all the tracks, and I’m sure everyone who listens to the EP will feel this energy.

If you’re a fan of Olivia Rodrigo, the good old Avril Lavigne, or even Taylor Swift, this release is for you! You’ll definitely find your track here. Who said you can’t dance and laugh after a breakup? So, girls, forget about tears and drama! Turn on “striking out,” grab your favorite drink, and throw your own personal party in honor of the new you. After all, every breakup is an opportunity to start fresh and find a new sound.

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