

Indie Boulevard Music Awards

“You See Nights Like These Only Come Around Once in a Lifetime”: Emes Gets Deep on New Single “On the Night”

Seattle’s music scene is pulsating with the soulful energy of Emes, an artist whose voice resonates as deeply as his Hawaiian heritage. Born Herman Schimmelfennig Jr. (but Emes is way easier on the tongue, trust us), this musical alchemist blends the gospel hymns of his childhood with the island rhythms of his Honolulu roots. His sound is fresh, raw, and destined to become the soundtrack to your next late-night drive.

Imagine swapping childhood summers spent bodysurfing Waikiki waves for Seattle’s misty mornings – that’s the journey Emes has taken. And it’s infused his music with a depth that transcends genres. He captures fleeting moments, transforming them into melodies that linger in your soul. His latest single, “On the Night,” perfectly exemplifies this, weaving a story of personal struggles against the backdrop of a universal search for meaning. We’re thrilled to be pulling back the curtain, unlocking the secrets behind his creative process, and maybe even unlocking the secrets behind the magic that unfolds “On the Night.”

photo by @emesthegenius

Emes, your new single ‘On the Night’ taps into deep emotional territories. Can you share what inspired the lyrics and the overall vibe of this track?

I’ve been going through a lot of personal challenges in my day to day, and I suppose it’s what’s been on my mind lately. Kind of like sitting at work, staring at beach pictures or pictures of beautiful places getting lost in your imagination… Or as some say, “Day Dreaming” lol. Also, working with an amazing producer and friend PQ Jay, he gave me a great vibe to work with.

Growing up in Honolulu and coming from a musical family, how do you think your native Hawaiian roots and your family’s musical background have influenced the sound and soul of your music?

Awesome question! Coming from a musical family, I’ve always been around music. Native Hawaiian singers have some of the most beautiful falsetto voices, so I’ve had some big shoes to fill vocally. I fell in love with RnB music in my teens, and so pursuing my education in the Mainland US seemed like the best fit. While moving to Seattle from Hawaii, I fell in love with church. I became a choir director and church musician, thus, where the soul influence of my music comes from.

Can you walk us through your creative process? How do you go from an idea to a complete song like ‘On the Night’?

Sure! I start everything off by listening. How does this music make me feel, how do I feel (at that present moment).  Then I just start scatting, mumbling, and fishing around for melodies. Sometimes I just hit record and go. Some words come out, mostly it’s all gibberish. I’ve learned to start at the top of the record and work my way forward from there lyrically. Most times I don’t really know what I’m saying until the first few phrases become clearer. Then it’s like something else takes over. I tap into a stream of ideas that kind of take over. I stopping actually writing down lyrics a few years ago. I’ll obviously scribe things after the fact for release purposes, but creatively, I’ve taken some pages from my favorite rappers and just go off top. 

There are some powerful lyrics in ‘On the Night’. Could you share your favorite line from the song and explain what it means to you personally?

My favorite line is, “You see nights like these only come around once in a lifetime, so we spent it on the night.” To me that is such a powerful phrase because at any point or any stage of life you say that phrase and it’ll be true. Every moment is once in a lifetime. How will you spend it? 

photo by @emesthegenius

Looking ahead, what are some of your aspirations for the next few years both musically and personally?

I hope to stay busy. My goal is to start touring hopefully world wide. I look to eventually start some music production and songwriting classes to start giving back some of the knowledge I have to our up and coming musicians and artists. Personally, I’d like to start to travel and enjoy this amazingly beautiful world!

Having started with a strong base in R&B, do you see your music evolving into other genres or incorporating new styles in the future?

Yes! I am a collective of Reggae music, Gospel music, country, Hip Hop, folk, and RnB soul. Those are my true music influences, so any and all of those genres. Id love to collaborate with artists in those genres as well! Or maybe you’ll hear more of those influences.

How has your family reacted to your music career, especially given their own musical interests? Do they provide feedback on your work?

They love my music. I know at times it may be different from their usual preferred genres, but artistically they for sure appreciate it. 

Can you describe your ideal way to unwind after a long day in the studio? Do you have any favorite nighttime rituals?

i like to sit in a quiet room. Other times I eat and watch king fu movies and just completely think about something other than music.

Imagine you’re performing ‘On the Night’ at the perfect venue. What does that setting look like, and what makes it the ideal place for this particular song?

I’ve envisioned a big crowd, and we’re wrapping up the previous song and getting ready to set this song up. I start talking about moments in life and the crowd starts to go crazy cause they know what song is next. “So tonight, this night, how will you spend this moment???” cue guitar intro!!!

If you could send a message to yourself at the beginning of your career, what advice would you give and why?

Stay the course. It’s a journey that has no destination. Enjoy the ride. Don’t take things personally and save yourself a few years of frustration. Finally, most importantly, have fun!!

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